Tuesday, December 23, 2008
More of Taylie's Funny Stories!!
Another funny story with our Taylie, She burped the other day and said "Excuse me, I farted in my mouth!" Where she comes up with some of these things we will never know :)
Saturday, December 13, 2008
The Appendectomy of all Appendectomies

As you can see here the color of my appendix was not very good.

Sunday, December 7, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Some of Taylie's Funny Stories!
The second story just happened the other day. Taylie has been on this "just kidding kick, thanks to cousin Kaden! She kept bringing her chair out of her room after mom and dad asked her not to several times. She brought it out and I told her that she needed to go put it back in her room. She said "no mom I going to sit on it" So I told her she had to a count of 3 or she was going to time out. I started counting and when I said 2 she said "I just kidding I putting it back!" and hurried to put her chair back in her room. It was really funny and cute and of course I couldn't get mad at her. And now she says just kidding after almost everything!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Our New Church Calling
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Halloween Goodness!!!
Halloween sure was a fun time. Taylie was the cutest skunk! In all actually she looked more like an Ewok with a huge tail.
I was a.......well, something with a greeen face, a sword on my back and a staff. We will call it a sad wizard ( ;) at Cami). Steph didn't dress up this year even after the pregnant nun suggestions. There were a few things that we didn't have a chance to take pictures of from trick or treating. We took a wagon with us to pull Taylie and Tate in, and Tate decided that he would pull the wagon with Taylie in it. It was pretty darn cute. At one point I put Taylie in the front of the wagon and forgot about her tail. She ended up laying down in the wagon because she didn't have the balance to keep sitting up. She was laying there and looked like she was thinking, "Ummmm, is anyone going to get me up?" You probably had to be there, but try to use your imagination. Then there was the time Taylie face planted it, she kept telling EVERYBODY she was a skunk, and even told a lady not to step on her tail. After she got over my mask, she was still my little buddy.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Were having another girl!!

Sunday, October 19, 2008
Smithfield Canyon Picture Extravaganza
Last Saturday me and Steph, Greg, Charise, Steve, and Dad went up Smithfield Canyon.
Here are some pictures we (Me, Steve, and Dad) took. Enjoy!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Joanie Candy
Saturday, September 20, 2008
The Computer Guru and The Cowgirl
Mike was born and raised in Hyde Park Ut. He loves playing his guitar, working on computers, and playing video games. He had never ridden a horse until he met me! I was born and raised in Lyman WY. I love being outside with my horses and grew up a cowgirl. I moved to Hyde Park UT with my sister in June 2004. Mike and I met in the Hyde Park singles ward in Febuary of 2005. We both have a slighly different story about the first time we "noticed" eachother! Mike says it was when we were at FHE playing volleyball and I beat him and he thought to himself "Wow, she can really play volleyball! And she's pretty cute!" My story is when some other girl some how conviced mike to go country swing dancing (which if you know Mike, that is a big accomplishment!) and me being a country girl always went dancing, anyway, one dance together and Mike forgot someone else invited him and we danced the whole time! From that night on we saw eachother every single night until he we got married!!! Whoever says opposites attract, was right!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Our newest adventure
I am new at this blogging thing so here we go. My husband Mike, my daughter Taylie, and I recently (as in the past two weeks) moved to Hyde Park into a nice spacious two bedroom apartment. Then again after our last apartment anything is huge (Taylie used to sleep in the closet)!! I got a new job working two 12 hour night shifts at Cache Valley Specialty Hospital as an ER Clerk, so far I have enjoyed it. Mike is still working part time at Thermo-fisher scientific and just started school yesterday. He stays busy and Taylie and i miss him alot. We are also expecting our second child! We had our first ultra-sound today, everything looks great and Dr. Noorda said if it was a boy he would put him back for me and ask for something else! JUST KIDDING I WOULD LOVE A BOY!! Life has been busy and were just waiting to get settled into a routine :)