Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Never Ending Trials!

So this past weekend was not a good weekend. To start the weekend off, on Friday the 13th my sister-in-law, Melanie, was diagnosed with Leukemia. She has been sick for about 4 weeks with what they told her was the H1N1 Influenza. She just wasn't getting better and after a trip to Logan Regional Emergency Room she was transferred to the LDS hospital by ambulance. It was there that they decided she had leukemia. At first they thought it was Burkitt's or ALL, but after getting all the pathology tests back, they said it was BAL (Biphenotypic Acute Leukemia) which is a combination on ALL and AML Leukemia. There is a 70% she will go into remission and a 40-50% chance that she will stay in remission. She has started Chemo and as soon as she goes into remission she will have to get a stem cell transplant. So please keep her in your prayers, we have a long road ahead of us but Mel is a fighter.
Friday my girls and I headed to Heber Ut with Krisann to watch my brother Aaron ride in the RMPRA Finals, he did awesome Friday night and tied for 3rd place. We decided to drive to Wyoming to stay at my parents house and then we would drive back to Heber Saturday since it was a two day finale. Saturday my brother-in-law Jake called to tell me that he and Niki had taken my horse for a ride and Niki got bucked off, dislocating her shoulder and breaking her scapula. She is working on her masters degree, and was suppose to be flying to Alabama on Monday for her finals but couldn't go and now has to take an extra year of school because she missed it.
And finally Saturday was snowing off and on all day in Wyoming and when it came time for us to leave for the rodeo the interstate was closed due to several accidents and weather, so we didn't make it to Aaron's rodeo and I couldn't go home until Sunday afternoon. So it was not the greatest weekend in the whole world but life goes on. On a more positive note, my sister Erica will be here this weekend and I can't wait to go home for Thanksgiving. I will have 7 out of 8 siblings home for Thanksgiving!!


allison said...

man, sounds like a tough weekend Steph, I'm sorry. We'll be thinking of you and your family and hope it all turns out alright!

The Shaver Gang said...

I am so sorry to hear about Mel. I put her name in the Sacramento Temple. We are praying for her all the time. I can't wait to see you next week. We are leaving at 0' dark 30 in the morning. Hope you have a better week.

Emily said...

hang in there steph. we will keep you and your family in our prayers!!!