So the other day, we put Taylie in her high chair and gave her a bowl of Ramon Noodles. After a few min of her being in the kitchen "eating" her noodles, she says " I'm done". Mike and I being suprised that she ate them so quickly, Mike asks if they are on the floor. Taylie being the honest child that she is says "yes" so we walk into the kitchen and there are noodles all over the floor. So we get her cleaned up and make her start cleaning up the noodles. For the first few min she cleaned up fairly well, but when she got about half done, she looks down at the remainder of the noodles and says "I'll just go to timeout, K mom" and she started walking toward her room! Mike and I were laughing so hard that we couldn't get upset at her, we just laughed and told her no timeout, you have to clean up all your noodles! She is the smartest two year old I have ever met. We love her so much, her fun personality adds so much to our home :)
Another funny story with our Taylie, She burped the other day and said "Excuse me, I farted in my mouth!" Where she comes up with some of these things we will never know :)
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Saturday, December 13, 2008
The Appendectomy of all Appendectomies
Well, I am laying in my hospital bed with nothing to do, so I figured I would put my story on our blog! :) Wednsday at about noon I had a sandwhich with expired lunch meat (not a good idea). At about 4 my stomach started feeling weird. At about 5:30 it started hurting. I had a paper due the next day and a final, so I was a little bit stressed about being sick at the wrong time. My stomache hurt until about 9:30 and my dad and Scott Fife came up to give me a blessing. I had been trying to throw up or do anything to get whatever was in my stomache out. I had little success, but about 5 min after my blessing I finally puked (I know, Hurray!!!!!). My stomache (organ) quit hurting, but my lower gut was still being rambunctious. Well the next day I woke up and my stomache still hurt. In my blessing my dad said that I would be able to get my paper done and take my final, so I went ahead and made plans to do that. (I got an A in the class) Steph and I made plans to go to Instacare right after my final and they took my blood. They said that since my stomache was hurting where it was and my white blood cell count was high they figured I had appendicitus and sent me over to Logan Regional to have a CT Scan. After speaking with the stupid billing people over the scan (I guess I needed to actually have my appendix rupture before they would just let me in) I finally was able to go get my CT Scan. They said I would feel like I was peeing my pants when they put the x-ray dye in, but it just made my butt feel like it was on fire. They determined my appendix was sick and I needed an operation. I finally had my operation and I guess my appendix did rupture, but my body somehow sealed it so the infection didn't leak out. As soon as my white blood cell count goes down then I can go home! I will scan in the pictures of my surgery since I think I will have a lot of free time for awhile :) That will be up when I get home.

As you can see here the color of my appendix was not very good.

As you can see here the color of my appendix was not very good.

Sunday, December 7, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Some of Taylie's Funny Stories!
So I have a few funny stories about Taylie that I wanted to post so that I have them written down somewhere and won't forget them. The first one happened a couple weeks ago at church. Mike's friend is in our ward and he has kind of longer hair and a beard, he fell away from the church for a while and is trying to get his life back in order. Anway, he got up in sacrament to bare his testimony. It was really a good testimony and of course everyone is really quiet. Taylie stands up and yells "Look mom there's Jesus!" It was so loud and everyone around us is trying really hard not to bust up laughing. Greg and Charise were there visiting and all of us were trying really hard not to start laughing while I tried to explain to her that he wasn't Jesus. Then for the closing prayer (on the same day) an older lady got up and started saying the prayer and Taylie says "There's Grandma Lamb!" Once again really loud. I am afraid at this point we all lost it and busted up laughing :)
The second story just happened the other day. Taylie has been on this "just kidding kick, thanks to cousin Kaden! She kept bringing her chair out of her room after mom and dad asked her not to several times. She brought it out and I told her that she needed to go put it back in her room. She said "no mom I going to sit on it" So I told her she had to a count of 3 or she was going to time out. I started counting and when I said 2 she said "I just kidding I putting it back!" and hurried to put her chair back in her room. It was really funny and cute and of course I couldn't get mad at her. And now she says just kidding after almost everything!
The second story just happened the other day. Taylie has been on this "just kidding kick, thanks to cousin Kaden! She kept bringing her chair out of her room after mom and dad asked her not to several times. She brought it out and I told her that she needed to go put it back in her room. She said "no mom I going to sit on it" So I told her she had to a count of 3 or she was going to time out. I started counting and when I said 2 she said "I just kidding I putting it back!" and hurried to put her chair back in her room. It was really funny and cute and of course I couldn't get mad at her. And now she says just kidding after almost everything!
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