Update #1 We are all settled in our new home in Clarkston and we love it!! It has been so fun to be able to have our own home and be able to do whatever we want. The girls love it and have so much fun being able to go play in the yard with the dogs or the kittens. I just brought my horses out on Saturday and it is so fun to be doing dishes and look out the window and see my horses! I can't wait for warmer weather so I can start doing yard work! My sister Niki threw me a house warming party a few weeks ago and it was so much fun. I got some way cute stuff for my house and my awesome mom got my kids a swing set (that we are still in the process of setting up!) and the kids can't wait! Mike got a promotion at work which we are so grateful for. He is still going to school part time and stays very busy.

Update #2 My baby turned 2! I can't believe Lindsey is 2 years old. She has been such a joy! She has more personality than anyone I know! She always keeps me on my toes. She is such an adventurer and is fearless. She is always getting into trouble. Mike's family has nicknamed her the "White Tornado!" She is so funny, she always has everyone laughing. We love that little girl so much and are so greatful to have her in our lives!
Update #3 Last week we got to go on a fun family road trip to visit Erica in California! We had so much fun and my girls were such troopers on the 11 hour ride! Taylie and her cousin Kirsten are only 3 months apart and are truly best friends. We had so much fun and I even got Mike on a dirt bike, it was so funny! We had such a good time.